
PG Programs

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Selected PhD Publication




Susie LEE

Lee, Y.G., Koval, C.Z., & Lee, S.S. 2022 (In press). The glass wall and the gendered evaluation of role expansion in freelancing careers. Academy of Management Journal.


Jie (Kassie) LI

Lian, H.W., Li, J., Du, C.D., Wu, W., Xia, Y.H., & Lee, C. 2022 (In press). Disaster or opportunity? How COVID-19-associated changes in environmental uncertainty and job insecurity relate to organizational identification and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology.



Jamison, J., Yay, T., & Feldman, G. 2020. Action-inaction asymmetries in moral scenarios: Replication of the omission bias examining morality and blame with extensions linking to causality, intent, and regret. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 89: 103977.


Anran LI

Zhang, R., Li, A., & Gong, Y. 2021. Too much of a good thing: Examining the curvilinear relationship between team-level proactive personality and team performance. Personnel Psychology, 74: 295-321.

Li, A. & Sullivan, B.N. 2020 (online). Blind to the future: Exploring the contingent effect of managerial hubris on strategic foresight. Strategic Organization.

Li, A., Burmester, B. & Zamborsky, P. 2020. Subnational differences and entry mode performance: Multinationals in east and west China. Journal of Management & Organization, 26: 426-444.

Li, J., Li, A., Chattopadhyay, P., George, E., & Gupta, V. 2018. Team emotion diversity and performance: The moderating role of social class homogeneity. Group dynamics, 22: 76-92.


Federico MAGNI

Magni, F. Gong, Y., & Chao, M. 2021. A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relationship between goal orientation and performance: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences, 179: 110960.

Magni, F. & Manzoni, B. 2020. When thinking inside the box is good: The nuanced relationship between conformity and creativity. European Management Review, 17: 961-975.

Magni, F. & Manzoni, B. 2020. Generational differences in workers' expectations: Millennials want more of the same things. European Management Review, 17: 901-914.


Inseong JEONG

Keem, S., Shalley, C.E., Kim, E., & Jeong, I. 2018. Are creative individuals bad apples? A dual pathway model of unethical behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103: 416-431.



Feldman, G., & Chandrashekar, S.P. 2018. Laypersons' beliefs and intuitions about free will and determinism: New insights linking the social psychology and experimental philosophy paradigms. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9: 539-549.

Feldman, G., Chandrashekar, S.P., & Wong, K.F.E. 2016. The freedom to excel: Belief in free will predicts better academic performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 90: 377-383.


Jiping LI

Li, J., Li, A., Chattopadhyay, P., George, E., & Gupta, V. 2018. Team emotion diversity and performance: The moderating role of social class homogeneity. Group dynamics, 22: 76-92.


Ruixue ZHANG

Chan, K. W., Gong, T., Zhang, R., & Zhou, M. 2017. Do employee citizenship behaviors lead to customer citizenship behaviors? The roles of dual identification and service climate. Journal of Service Research, 20: 259-274.


Jieying CHEN

Maertz, C. P., Jr., Takeuchi, R., & Chen, J. 2016. An episodic framework of outgroup interaction processing: Integration and redirection for the expatriate adjustment research. Psychological Bulletin, 142: 623-654.

Takeuchi, R., & Chen, J. 2013. The impact of international experiences for expatriates’ cross-cultural adjustment: A theoretical review and a critique. Organizational Psychology Review, 3: 248-290. (2015 impact factor: 2.069). 

  • Finalist for the 2014 International HR Scholarly Research Award of the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management.


Wai San (Cass) SHUM

Chen, Z., Takeuchi, R., & Shum, C. 2013. A social information processing perspective of coworker influence on a focal employee. Organization Science, 24: 1618-1639.

Chang, S., Gong, Y., & Shum, C. 2011. Promoting ambidextrous innovations in hospitality companies through the lens of human resource management practices. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30: 812-818.


Guoguang (Alan) WAN

Li, J.T., Tian, L. & Wan, G. 2015. Contextual distance and the international strategic alliance performance: A conceptual framework and a partial meta-analytic test. Management and Organization Review, 11: 289-313.



Feldman, G., Chao, M., Farh, J., & Bardi, A. 2015. The motivation and inhibition of breaking the rules: Personal values structures predict unethicality. Journal of Research in Personality, 59, 69-80.

Feldman, G., Baumeister, R. F., & Wong, K. F. E. 2014.. Free will is about choosing: The link between choice and the belief in free will. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55: 239-245.


Lingling (Lida) ZHANG

George, E., Chattopadhyay, P., & Zhang, L. L. 2012. Helping hand or competition? The moderating influence of perceived upward mobility on the relationship between blended workgroups and employee attitudes and behaviors. Organization Science, 23: 355-372.


Ka Man (Carman) NG

Li, J. T., & Ng, C. K. 2013. The normalization of deviant organizational practices: The non-performing loans problem in China. Journal of Business Ethics, 114: 643-653.

Chattopadhyay, P., George, E., & Ng, C .K. (Authorship in alphabetical order). 2011. An uncertainty reduction model of relational demography. In A. Joshi, H. Liao, & J. Martocchio (Eds.), Research in personnel and human resources management, vol. 30: 219-251. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.

George, E., & Ng, C. K. 2011. Nonstandard workers: Work arrangements and outcomes. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), APA handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol. 1: 573 - 596. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Wong, K. F. E., Kwong, J. Y. Y., & Ng, C. K. 2008. When thinking rationally increases biases: The role of rational thinking style in escalation of commitment. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 57: 246-271.


Zhenzhen XIE

Xie, Z. & Li, J.T. 2013. Internationalization and indigenous technological efforts of emerging economy firms: The effect of multiple knowledge sources. Journal of International Management, 19: 247-259.

Li, J.T. & Xie, Z. 2011. Global R&D strategies in an emerging economy: The development and protection of technological competencies. European Management Review, 8: 153-164.


Zhijun CHEN

Takeuchi, R., Chen, Z., & Cheung, S. Y. 2012. Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: An integrative investigation. Personnel Psychology, 65: 283-323.

Chen, Z. J., & Xie, Z. T. 2011. Riding the integrative wave of justice research: Power distance orientation as a moderator. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceeding, San Antonio.

Farh, J. L., Lee, C., & Chen, Z. J. 2011. Promoting group potency in project teams: The importance of group identification. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 32: 1147-1162.


Siu Yin (Sally) CHEUNG

Takeuchi, R., Chen, Z., & Cheung, S. Y. 2012. Applying uncertainty management theory to employee voice behavior: An integrative investigation. Personnel Psychology, 65: 283-323.

*Gong, Y., *Cheung, S. Y., Wang, M., & Huang, J. C. In press. Unfolding the proactive process for creativity: Integration of the employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives. Journal of Management. (*Equal contribution)

Gong, Y., Song, C., & Cheung, S. Y. 2010. High performance work systems and collective OCB: A collective social exchange perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 20: 119-137.



Kozhikode, R. & Li, J.T. 2012. Political pluralism, public policies, and organizational choices: Banking branch expansion in India, 1948-2003. Academy of Management Journal, 55: 339-359.

Li, J.T. & Kozhikode, R. 2009. Developing new innovation models: Shifts in the innovation landscapes in emerging economies and implications for global R&D management. Journal of International Management, special issue on Emerging CEO Agenda, 15: 328-339.

Li, J.T. & Kozhikode, R. 2008. Knowledge management and innovation strategy: The challenge for latecomers in emerging economies. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25: 429-450.


Cuili QIAN

Wang, H. & Qian, C. 2011. Corporate philanthropy and financial performance of Chinese firms: The roles of social expectations and political access. Academy of Management Journal, 54: 1159-1181.

George, E. and Qian, C. 2010. Organizational Identity and Organizational Control: How can the two go together? In S. B. Sitkin, L.B. Cardinal, & K. Bijlsma-Frankema (Eds.), Control in organizations: New directions in theory and research: 167-190. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.



Wang, X. M., Wong, K. F. E.,& Kwong, J. Y. Y. 2010. The roles of rater goals and ratee performance levels in the distortion of performance rating. Journal of Applied Psychology 95: 546-561.



Li, J.T. & Tang, Y. 2010. CEO hubris and firm risk taking in China: The moderating role of managerial discretion. Academy of Management Journal, 53: 45-68.



Gong, Y., Law, K.S., Chang, S., & Xin, K.R. 2009.  Human resource management and firm performance: The differential role of managerial affective and continuance commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94:263-275.

Gong, Y., & Chang, S. 2008. Institutional antecedents and performance consequences of employment security and career advancement practices: Evidence from the People’s Republic of China. Human Resource Management, 47: 33-48.

Gong, Y., & Chang, S. 2008. How do high performance work systems affect collective organizational citizenship behavior? A collective social exchange perspective. The Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Anaheim.

Gong, Y., & Chang, S. 2007. The relationships of cross-cultural adjustment with dispositional learning orientation and goal setting: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 38: 19-25.



Farh, J. L., Hackett, R. D., & Liang, J.  2007. Individual-level cultural values as moderators of perceived organizational support-employee outcomes relationships: Comparing the effects of power distance and traditionality. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 715-729.


Guohua HUANG

Law, K. S., Wong, C., Huang, G. & Li, X. 2008. The effects of emotional intelligence on job performance and life satisfaction for the research and development scientists in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25: 51-69.

Huang, G., Law, K. S., & Wong, C. 2006. Emotional Intelligence: A critical Review. In Lin V. Wesley (Eds.), Intelligence: New Research, NY: Nova Science Publishers:95-113.


Jingyu YANG

Li, J.T., Yang, J.Y. & Yue, D.R. 2007. Identity, community, and audience: How wholly owned foreign subsidiaries gain legitimacy in China. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 175-190.

Li, J.T. & Yang, J.Y. 2006. China’s domestic private firms: A literature review and directions for future research. In A.S. Tsui, Y. Bian, & L. Cheng (Eds.), The management and performance of China’s domestic private firms: Multi-disciplinary perspective: 206-229. New York: M.E. Sharp.


Jiwen SONG

Law, Kenneth S., Wong, Chi-sum & Song, Lynda J., 2004. The construct and criterion validity of emotional intelligence and its potential utility for management studies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89, 483-496.

Rick D. Hackett, Jiing-Lih Farh, Lynda Jiwen Song, & Laurent, M. Lapierre. (2003) LMX and organizational citizenship behavior: examining the links within and across Western and Chinese samples. In G. B. Graen (Ed.). Dealing with Diversity. Information Age Publishing, 219-264.



Xin, K. R., Tsui, A.S., Wang, H., Zhang, Z, & Chen, W. 2002. Corporate culture in Chinese State-owned enterprises: An inductive analysis of dimensions and influences. In Tsui, A.S. and Lau, C.M. (Eds.) The management of enterprises in the People's Republic of China.Kluwer Academic Press.


Zhen Xiong CHEN

Chen, Z. X. & Nyaw, M. K. 1996. Cross-cultural management. In Nyaw, M. K. & Lau, Z. M. (Eds.), Management: The new perspectives, Commercial Publisher of Hong Kong, 104-120.