
About Us

Our History

The Department of Management was founded in 1991, same as the founding of the University and the Business School.

It was named Department of Management of Organizations from Aug 1994 - Aug 2009; and changed to Department of Management onward. Over the last two decades, the department has built a group of diverse, prolific and active faculty members whose expertise covers such areas as organization theory, business strategy, organizational behaviour, and human resource management. To facilitate intellectual exchange and knowledge diffusion, the department played host to over 60 visiting scholars who spent between a few days to two years teaching and researching on campus. It has organized two major international research conferences, and numerous workshops, and established the Hang Lung Center for Organizational Research (1998-2017) and the Center for Business Strategy and Innovation, CBSI (since 2008). It also has established a long-term program of collaborative research with organization researchers in China.

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Our Mission

The mission of the department is to be a leader in organization and management research in the Asia-Pacific region. To this end, it continues to recruit and retain the brightest minds from around the world. It provides its students with the necessary training and preparation for them to become responsible and responsive professionals. It also works with local business leaders to identify and address pressing management problems through research, consultation and involvement in community activities.

Recognizing its unique position in the region where the notion of East meets West is epitomized, the Department adopts a two-pronged strategy to develop the global business knowledge and also accentuate its edge in building local expertise. First, the Department encourages and supports its faculty to pursue their diverse research interests. Second, the department also makes concerted efforts to develop its strength in research on management and organization in the Chinese context, especially through the support of our research centres.

More information on the department, CBSI, and the work of individual faculty members are available on our department website. We welcome your views and suggestions. Happy browsing.

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More News   

PhD student RHEE Changjoon co-authored a paper titled “Remedies for Growing Pains: How Venture Leaders Management Stalemates when Scaling Senior Exec Teams” which was named the Best Paper Award at the India Strategy Conference (Entrepreneurship and Family Business track). The award is sponsored by the Strategic Management division of the Academy of Management - the largest association of strategic management scholars in the world.
12 Feb 2025
Prof. Ying Li and Prof. Eunyoung Park recently joined the editorial board for Organization Science, a top-tier academic journal in management.
06 Dec 2024

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