We are recognized internationally as a significant force in research.
As of February 24, 2023, MGMT department is ranked No. 33 in the world, No. 1 in Asia and No. 1 in Hong Kong in terms of research publications for 2018-2022 in six UTD management journals (Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal).
Augustine, G., Hedberg, L., Choi, T.-U., & Lounsbury, M. Forthcoming. Wasted? Exploring the downstream effects of movement-backed occupations. Administrative Science Quarterly.
Park, E., Lange, D., & Jeon, C. Forthcoming. How shareholder litigation risk influences firm orientation toward stakeholders. Strategic Management Journal.
Kim, M., Jeong, I., Bae, J., & Gong, Y. 2024. High-performance work system and organizational resilience process: The case of firms during a global crisis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109: 1994-2014.
DeSantola, A., Zhelyazkov, P. I., & Hallen, B. 2024. Windows versus waves of opportunity: How reputation alters venture capital firms’ resource mobilization. Strategic Management Journal, 45: 301-332.
Li, M., & Bitterly, T.B. 2024. How perceived lack of benevolence harms trust of artificial intelligence management. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109: 1794-1816.
Hagmann, D., Minson, J. A., & Tinsley, C. H. 2024. Personal narratives build trust across ideological divides. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109: 1693-1715.
*Zhang, R. X., *Gong, Y., & Zhou, M. 2023. Crossing the domain: Unintended consequences of safety and service climates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108: 1699-1716. *Equal contribution
Yang, J.Y., Kim, M.Y., Li, J., & Lu, J. 2023. Information voids and cross-border bandwagons of foreign direct investment into an emerging economy. Strategic Management Journal, 44: 2751-2782.
Lee, Y.G., Koval, C.Z., & Lee, S.S. 2023. The glass wall and the gendered evaluation of role expansion in freelancing careers. Academy of Management Journal, 66: 1042–1070.
Desantola, A., Gulati, R., & Zhelyazkov, P. I. 2023. External interfaces or internal processes? Market positioning and divergent professionalization paths in young ventures. Organization Science, 34:1-24.
Li, Y., Shao, Y., Wang, M., Fang, Y., Gong, Y., & Li, C. 2022. From inclusive climate to organizational innovation: Examining internal and external enablers for knowledge management capacity. Journal of Applied Psychology 107: 2285-2305.
Jung, H.J., Lee, Y.G., & Park, S.H. 2022. Just diverse among themselves: how does negative performance feedback change board diversity in expertise and ascriptive backgrounds? Organization Science, 34:657-679.
Lee, Y.G., & Gargiulo, M. 2022. Escaping the survival trap: Network transition among early-career K-Pop freelance songwriters. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67: 339-377.
Waldman, D. A.,Vaulont, M. J., Balven, R. M., Siegel, D., & Rupp, D. 2022. The role of justice perceptions in formal and informal university technology transfer. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107: 1397-1413.
Lian, H., Li, J. (K.), Du, C., Wu, W., Xia, Y., & Lee, C. 2022. Disaster or Opportunity? How COVID-19-Associated Changes in Environmental Uncertainty and Job Insecurity Relate to Organizational Identification and Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107: 693-706.
Li, Y., Gong, Y., Burmeister, A., Wang, M., Alterman, V., Alonso, A., & Robinson, S. 2021. Leveraging age diversity for organizational performance: An intellectual capital perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106: 71-91.
Sytch, M. & Kim, Y. H. 2021. Quo Vadis? From the schoolyard to the courtroom. Administrative Science Quarterly, 66: 177-219.
Chan, T.H., Lee, Y.G., & Jung, H.J. 2021. Anchored differentiation: The role of temporal distance in the comparison and evaluation of new product designs. Organization Science, 32: 1423-1541.
Schaubroeck, J. M., Peng, A. C., Hannah, S. T., Ma, J., & Cianci, A. M. 2021. Struggling to meet the bar: Occupational progress failure and informal leadership behavior. Academy of Management Journal, 64: 1740-1762.
Zhelyazkov, P. I., & Tatarynowicz, A. 2021. Marriage of unequals? Investment quality heterogeneity, market heat, and the formation of status-asymmetric ties in the venture capital industry. Academy of Management Journal, 64: 509-539.
Uribe, J., Sytch, M., & Kim, Y. H. 2020. When friends become foes: Collaboration as a catalyst for conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65: 751-794.
Connelly, B, Li, Q, Shi, W, & Lee, K. 2020. CEO dismissal: Consequences for the strategic risk taking of competitor CEOs. Strategic Management Journal, 41: 2092-2125. (All authors contributed equally)
Garg, S., Li, Q., & Shaw, J. 2019. Entrepreneurial firms grow up: Board undervaluation, board evolution, and firm performance in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 40: 1882-1907.
Li, J.T., Li, P., & Wang, B. 2019. The liability of opaqueness: State ownership and the likelihood of deal completion in international acquisitions by Chinese firms.Strategic Management Journal, 40: 303-327.
Prato, M., Kypraios, E., Ertug, G., & Lee, Y.G. 2019. Middle-status conformity revisited: The interplay between achieved and ascribed status. Academy of Management Journal, 62: 1003-1027.
Mayer, D. M., Ong, M., Sonenshein, S., & Ashford, S. J. 2019. The money or the morals? When moral language is more effective for selling social issues. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104: 1058-1076.
Lee, J. J., Ong, M., Parmar, B, & Amit, E. 2019. Lay theories of effortful honesty: Does the honesty- effort association justify making a dishonest decision? Journal of Applied Psychology, 104: 659-677.
Wang, D., Du, F., & Marquis, C. 2019. Defending Mao’s dream: How politicians’ ideological imprinting affects firms’ political appointment in China. Academy of Management Journal, 62: 1111-1136.
Wang, D., & Luo, X.R*. 2019. Retire in peace: Officials’ political incentives and corporate diversification in China. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64: 773-809. * Equal contribution
Garg, S., Li, Q., & Shaw, J. 2018. Undervaluation of directors: Impact on turnover of directors (and CEO) in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 39: 429-457.
Zhelyazkov, P. I. 2018. Interactions and interests: Collaboration outcomes, competitive concerns, and the limits to triadic closure. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63: 210-247.
Gong, Y., Wu, J., Song, J. W., & Zhang, Z. 2017. Dual tuning in creative processes: Joint contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102: 829-844.
*Liu, D., *Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Huang, J. C. 2017. Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1164-1188. (*Joint corresponding author)
Zhu, J., Tatachari, S., & Chattopadhyay, P. 2017. Newcomer identification: Trends, antecedents, moderators and consequences. (shared first-authorship). Academy of Management Journal, 60: 855-879.
Garg, S., & Eisenhardt, K. 2017. Unpacking the CEO-board relationship in entrepreneurial firms. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1828-1858.
Wang, H., Zhao, S., & He, J. 2016. Increase in takeover protection and firm knowledge accumulation strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 37: 2393-2412.
Glaser, L., Stam, W., & Takeuchi, R. 2016. Managing the risks of proactivity: A multilevel study of initiative and performance in the middle management context. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 1339-1360.
Liang, L. L., Lian, H., Brown, D. J., Ferris, D. L., Hanig, S., & Keeping, L. 2016. Why are abusive supervisors abusive? A dual-system self-control model. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 1385-1406.
Jonczyk, C., Lee, Y. G., Galunic, C., & Bensaou, B. 2016. Relational changes during role transitions: The interplay of efficiency and cohesion. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 959-982.
Ertug, G., Yogev, T., Lee, Y. G., & Hedstrom, P. 2016. The Art of Representation: How Reputation Affects Success in the Contemporary Art Field. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 113-134.
Zhelyazkov P. I., & Gulati R. 2016. After the break-up: The relational and reputational consequences of withdrawals from venture capital syndicates. Academy of Management Journal, 59: 277-301.
Zhu, J., Wanberg, C. R., Harrison, D. A., & Diehn, E W. 2016. Ups and downs of the expatriate experience? Understanding work adjustment trajectories and career outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101: 549-568.
Li, J.T., Qian, C., & Yao, K. 2015. Confidence in learning: Inter- and intra-organizational learning in foreign market entry decisions. Strategic Management Journal, 36: 918-929.
Yang, J.Y., Li, J.T., & Delios, A. 2015. Will a second mouse get the cheese: Learning from early entrants’ failures in a foreign market. Organization Science, 26: 908-922.
Takeuchi, R., Bolino, M., & Lin, C. C. 2015. Too many motives? The interactive effects of multiple motives on organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100: 1239-1248.
Ferris, D. L., Lian, H., Brown, D. J., & Morrison, R. 2015. Ostracism, self-esteem, and job performance: When do we self-verify and when do we self-enhance? Academy of Management Journal, 58: 279-297.
Chen, Z., Zhu, J., & Zhou, M. 2015. How does a servant leader fuel the service fire? A multilevel model of servant leadership, individual self identity, group competition climate, and customer service performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100: 511-521.
Liu, W., Gong, Y., & Liu, J. 2014. When do business units benefit more from collective citizenship behavior of management teams? An upper echelons perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 523-534.
Chang, S., Jia, L., Takeuchi, R., & Cai, Y. 2014. Do high-commitment work systems affect creativity? A multi-level combinational approach to employee creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 665-680.
Kwong, J. Y. Y., & Wong, K. F. E. (Equal Authorship). 2014. Reducing and exaggerating escalation of commitment by option partitioning. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 697-712.
Lian, H., Brown, D. J., Ferris, D. L., Liang, L.L., Keeping, L., & Morrison, R. 2014. Abusive supervision and retaliation: A self-control framework. Academy of Management Journal, 57: 116-139.
Lian, H., Ferris, D. L., Morrison, R., & Brown, D. J., 2014 Blame it on the supervisor or the subordinate? Reciprocal relations between abusive supervision and organizational deviance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 651-664.