Research Interests
- State-Firm Interaction
- Non-Market Strategies
- Emerging Markets
- Political Sociology
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. INSEAD, Management
- M.Phil. HKUST, Sociology
- B.A. Tsinghua University, Journalism (with Distinction)
Academic And Professional Experience
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Assistant Professor, August 2019 - present.
The University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Business and Economics, Assistant Professor in Management and Strategy, 2014 – 2019.
Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
Na, K., Shevlin, T., Wang, D., & Yan, W. 2024. Politicians’ Ideology, State Intervention, and Corporate Taxation. Accepted at Management Science. (Alphabetical)
Zhang, Q., Wang, K., Wang, D., & Yang, D. 2023 (In press). The impact of political ties on firms' innovation capability: Evidence from China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. (Download here)
Wang, D., Zhu, Z, Chen, S, & Luo, X.R. 2021. Running out of steam? A political incentive perspective of FDI inflows in China. Journal of International Business Studies, 52: 692-717. (Download here)
Luo, X.R., Wang, D. 2021. Are politically endorsed firms more socially responsible? Selective engagement in corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 170: 535-555. (Download here)
Wang, D., Luo, X.R*. 2019. Retire in peace: Officials’ political incentives and corporate diversification in China. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64: 773-809. * Equal contribution (Download here)
Lead article
An video presentation of an earlier version of the paper
An earlier version of the paper was a Finalist for the Best Conference PhD Paper Award at 2013 SMS Annual Conference
Wang, D., Du, F., & Marquis, C. 2019. Defending Mao’s dream: How politicians’ ideological imprinting affects firms’ political appointment in China. Academy of Management Journal, 62: 1111-1136. (Download here)
Luo, X.R., Wang, D., & Zhang, J. 2017. Whose call to answer: Institutional complexity and firms’ CSR reporting. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 321-344. (Download here)
No.5 contributor for AMJ’s impact factor as one of the most cited papers published between 2017 and 2018
Featured in AsiaGlobal Online
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
Wang, D., Zhu, Z, & Chen, S. You invest and I get promoted: The impact of political leaders on FDI inflows in China. Presented at The Strategy and Business Environment Conference, Stanford University, (Apr 2019); and PDW at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, (August 2018).
Wang, D., Li, Z., Xu, N., Zhang, H., & Zhang, Y. Drinking more, innovating more … But less innovative: A study of local drinking culture, government R&D subsidy, and firm patenting behavior in China. Presented at The Future of Management Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong (May 2019); AMJ workshop, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (Mar 2019); and “Business-Government workshop”, ESSEC, Singapore (Feb 2019).
Review Activities
Senior Editor:
Management and Organization Review (Dec 2024 -)
Member of Editorial Board:
Administrative Science Quarterly (Jan 2018 -)
Global Strategic Journal (Jun 2021 -)
Organization Science (July 2023 -)
Strategic Organization (Jan 2022 -)
Ad Hoc reviewer:
Academy of Management Journal
Journal of Management Studies
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Strategic Management Journal
Funded Projects
RGC General Research Fund, "Politicians’ Ideology, State Intervention, and Corporate Taxation", 2019-2022, PI.
Honors And Awards
2024. Organization Science Outstanding Reviewer Award
2022. Service Award. OMT division, Academy of Management
2021. Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, HKUST
2018. Faculty Outstanding Teacher Award, HKU
2018. WAIB Emerging Scholar Award, Academy of International Business
2018. Named to INSEAD’s “50 Years, 50 Women, 50 Ideas” series, INSEAD
2014. Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Oversea PhD Student
2013. Finalist, Best Conference PhD Paper Award at 2013 SMS Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society