Associate Professor
Liwei Huang Associate Professor of Business

Research Interests

  • Entrepreneurial firms
  • Corporate governance
  • Strategic decision making
  • Power dynamics
  • Cognition

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. Stanford University, Organizations, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
  • M.A. Stanford University, Sociology
  • B.Eng National University of Singapore, Computer Engineering, minor in Entrepreneurship

Academic And Professional Experience

  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Liwei Huang Associate Professor of Business, July 2020 - present, Associate Professor, July 2019 - present, Assistant Professor, September 2011 - June 2019.

  • INSEAD, Visiting Scholar, August-October, 2012.

  • INSEAD, Research Associate, 2001 - 2005.

  • NetXylem Pte Ltd (Singapore), Founder and CEO, 2000 - 2001.


Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
  • Garg, S. 2020. Venture governance: A new horizon for corporate governance. Academy of Management Perspectives (Special issue on Innovations in Corporate Governance), 34: 252-265.

  • Garg, S., Li, Q. & Shaw, J. 2019. Entrepreneurial firms grow up: Board undervaluation, board evolution, and firm performance in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 40: 1882-1907.

  • Garg, S., Li, Q. & Shaw, J. 2018. Undervaluation of directors: Impact on turnover of directors (and CEO) in newly public firms. Strategic Management Journal, 39: 429-457.

  • Garg, S. & Eisenhardt, K. 2017. Unpacking the CEO-board relationship in entrepreneurial firms. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1828-1858.

  • Garg, S. & Furr, N. 2017. Venture boards: Past insights and future directions. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 11: 326-343.

  • Garg, S. 2014. Microfoundations of board monitoring: The case of entrepreneurial firms. Academy of Management Review, 39: 114-117.

Book Chapters
  • Westphal, J. & Garg, S. 2021. Boards of directors and strategic management: Public firms and new ventures. In Duhaime IM, Hitt MA, Lyles MA (Eds.), Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future. Oxford University Press. (

More Publications

Selected Recent Conference Presentations

  • Li, Q., Sam Garg, S., Shaw, J. & Kusnadi, H. 2020. Board Undervaluation and Earnings Management. To be presented at the annual meeting of Academic of Management, Vancouver; and the Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Hangzhou.

  • Garg, S. 2019. CEO-Board Relationship Cycles in New Ventures. Presented at the West Coast Research Symposium, Stanford University.

Review Activities

  • Associate Editor:

    • Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal (2021-)

  • Member of Editorial Board:

    • Academy of Management Journal (2017-)

    • Corporate Governance: An International Review (2019-)

    • Organization Science (2022-)

  • Ad Hoc reviewer for:

    • Academy of Management Annual Meetings (BPS, OMT, and ENT divisions)

    • Administrative Science Quarterly

    • Journal of Business Venturing

    • Management and Organization Review

    • Strategic Management Journal

Funded Projects

  • Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Asia (HKD 1 million ~ USD 128K), 2019-22, HKUST Business School

  • Equity Crowdfunding in China: An Exploratory Study (HKD 280,000 ~ USD 36K), 2015-2017 (PI w/ Prof. Kellee Tsai, Social Science, HKUST), Institute of Emerging Market Studies

  • Venture Boards: Impact on Innovation (HKD 270,048 ~USD 34.5K ), 2014-2016, Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong + HKUST top-ups

  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Unpacking the CEO-Board Relationship in New Ventures (HKD 125,000 ~ USD 16K), 2014-2017, Institute of Emerging Market Studies

Honors And Awards

  • 2020, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012. Dean's Letter for Excellence in Teaching.

  • 2015. Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, Finalist, HKUST Business School