Research Interests
- Employee creativity
- Goal orientation
- Strategic human resource management
- International human resource management
- HRM/OB issues in China
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. The Ohio State University, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior
- M.A. Renmin University of China, Human Resources Management
- B.S. Renmin University of China, Personnel Management
Academic And Professional Experience
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Fung Term Professor of Management since July 2019, Chair Professor, since July 2018, Professor, 2014-2018, Associate Professor, 2008-2014, Assistant Professor, 2002 - 2007
Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
Jeong, I., & Gong, Y. In press. Time to get your hands dirty: Bricolage or pro-organizational unethical response to entrepreneurial adversity. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Chen, T., *Kim, T. Y., *Gong, Y., & Liang, Y. 2025. Competence drives interest or vice versa? Untangling the bidirectional relationships between creative self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation for creativity in shaping employee creativity. Journal of Management Studies, 62: 775-811. *Equal contribution.
*Jiang, J., *Gong, Y., Dong, Y. N., Han, Y., & Qin, Y. 2025. Unpacking leader critical thinking in employee silence frequency and voice quality. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 98: 1-28. *Equal contribution.
*Mao, K. X., & *Gong, Y. 2024. The contingent effect of private entrepreneur foreign-study experience on firm innovation in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 41: 2021-2057. *Equal contribution.
Kim, M., Jeong, I., Bae, J., & Gong, Y. 2024. High-performance work system and organizational resilience process: The case of firms during a global crisis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109: 1994-2014.
*Magni, F., *Gong, Y., Li, J., Pan, J., & Zhou, M. 2024. The paradoxical relationship between sense of power and creativity: Countervailing pathways and a boundary condition. Personnel Psychology, 77: 441-474. *Equal contribution.
*Zhang, R. X., *Gong, Y., & Zhou, M. 2023. Crossing the domain: Unintended consequences of safety and service climates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108: 1699-1716. *Equal contribution
*Ling, C., *He, W., *Gong, Y., Liu, W., & Cho, V. 2023. Does receiving knowledge catalyze creativity? A dyadic-level contingency model of knowledge type and psychological closeness on knowledge elaboration. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44: 1436-1463. *Equal contribution
*Jeong, I, *Gong, Y., & Zhong, B.J. 2023. Does an employee-experienced crisis help or hinder creativity? An integration of threat-rigidity and implicit theories. Journal of Management, 49: 1394-1429. *Equal contribution.
Xin, L., Lee, B., Kim, T. Y., Gong, Y., & Zheng, X. M. 2023. Double-edged effects of creative personality on moral disengagement and unethical behaviors: Dual motivational mechanisms and a situational contingency. Journal of Business Ethics, 185: 449-466.
Zhong, B.J., Gong, Y., Shenkar, O., Luo, Y., Zhao, S.M., & Xiao, Z. 2023. Managing the hearts of boundary spanners: CEO organizational identification and international joint venture performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 40: 87–119.
Li, Y., Shao, Y., Wang, M., Fang, Y., Gong, Y., & Li, C. 2022. From inclusive climate to organizational innovation: Examining internal and external enablers for knowledge management capacity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107: 2285-2305.
*Chang, S., *Leung, W.K., *Yao, K., & *Gong, Y. 2022. Firm employee relations system and financial performance: Unfolding the dual-causal relationship and the associated temporal and resource boundary conditions. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 33: 3591-3628. * Equal contribution.
2022 Second Runner-up of the Michael Poole Best Paper Award
Magni, F., Gong, Y, & Chao, M. 2021. A longitudinal examination of the reciprocal relationship between goal orientation and performance: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Personality and Individual Differences, 179: 110960.
*Chen, L., *Gong, Y., Song, Y., & Wang, M. 2021. From creative environment to administrative innovation: Creation and implementation in top management teams. Journal of Creative Behavior, 55: 604-621. *Equal contribution.
*Ma, Z.X., *Gong, Y., Long, L.R., & Zhang, Y. 2021. Team-level high-performance work systems, self-efficacy and creativity: Differential moderating roles of person–job fit and goal difficulty. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32: 478-511. *Equal contribution.
Zhang, R., Li, A., & Gong, Y. 2021. Too much of a good thing: Examining the curvilinear relationship between team-level proactive personality and team performance. Personnel Psychology, 74: 295-321.
Li, Y., Gong, Y., Burmeister, A., Wang, M., Alterman, V., Alonso, A., & Robinson, S. 2021. Leveraging age diversity for organizational performance: An intellectual capital perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106: 71–91.
Mao, J., Chang, S., Gong, Y., & Xie, J. 2021. Team job-related anxiety and creativity: Investigating team-level and cross-level moderated curvilinear relationships. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42: 34–47.
Lee, B., Kim, T.Y., Gong, Y., Zheng, X.M. & Xin, L. 2020. Employee well-being HR attribution and job change intentions: The moderating effect of task idiosyncratic deals. Human Resource Management, 59: 327-338.
Gong, Y., Kim, T.Y., & Liu, Z. 2020. Diversity of social ties and creativity: Creative self-efficacy as mediator and tie strength as moderator. Human Relations, 73: 1664-1688.
Kim, H., & Gong, Y. 2017. Effects of work-family and family-work conflicts on flexible work arrangements demand: A gender role perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28: 2936-2956.
Gong, Y., Wu, J., Song, J.W., & Zhang, Z. 2017. Dual tuning in creative processes: Joint contributions of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102: 829-844.
Liu, D., Gong, Y., Zhou, J. & Huang, J. C. 2017. Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1164-1188.
2019 IACMR-RRBM Award Finalist
Baranik, L., Wang, M., Gong, Y., & Shi, J. 2017. Customer mistreatment, employee health and job Performance: Examining cognitive and social rumination as mediating mechanisms. Journal of Management, 43: 1261-1282.
Gong, Y., Wang, M., Huang, J.C., & Cheung, S.Y. 2017. Toward a goal orientation-based feedback-seeking typology: Implications for employee performance outcomes. Journal of Management, 43: 1234-1260.
Liang, J., & Gong, Y. 2017. Human resource development investment in Chinese private firms: Strategic choice and institutional perspectives. Management and Organization Review, 13: 57-83.
Cheung, S.Y., Gong, Y., Wang, M., Zhou, L., & Shi, J. 2016. When and how does functional diversity influence team innovation? The mediating role of knowledge sharing and the moderation role of affect-based trust in a team. Human Relations, 69: 1507-1531.
Cheung, S.Y., Gong, Y., & Huang, J. C. 2016. Emotional intelligence, job insecurity and psychological strain among real estate agents: A test of mediation and moderation models. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27: 2673-2694.
Way, S., Tracey, B., Fey, C., Wright, P., Snell, S., Chang, S., & Gong, Y. 2015. Validation of a multi-dimensional HR flexibility measure. Journal of Management, 41: 1098-1131.
Liu, W., Gong, Y., & Liu, J. 2014. When do business units benefit more from collective citizenship behavior of management teams? An upper echelons perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 523-534.
More Publications
Review Activities
Senior/Associate Editor:
Academy of Management Perspectives (2018-2021)
Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2010-2012)
Management and Organization Review (2013-2017)
Current Member of Editorial Board:
Academy of Management Journal
Journal of Management
Past Member of Editorial Board:
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Ad Hoc reviewers (partial listed):
Strategic Management Journal
Journal of World Business
European Management Journal
Human Relations
Funded Projects
Competitive General Research Fund (project 16502523: Beyond Support for Innovation Climate: Multiple Climates and Unintended Impacts on Team Innovation) (Jan. 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026). Principle investigator. Funding amount HK$442,257, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Competitive research fund (SPPR21BM01 – The Development of Fintech, Insurtech, and Regtech Manpower to Sustain Hong Kong as a Leading Global Financial Center) (2021-2024). Co-investigator, HK$4,589,473, Policy Innovation and Coordination Office, HKSAR Government.
Competitive General Research Fund (GRF) (project 16501220: Feedback and Creativity) (Jan. 1, 2021 – Dec. 30, 2022). Principal investigator. Funding amount HK$551,394, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Competitive General Research Fund (GRF) (project 16501418: Power and Creativity) (Jan. 1, 2019 – Feb. 28, 2021. Principal investigator. Funding amount HK$413,910, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Competitive General Research Fund (GRF) (project 12503017: Knowledge and Creativity) (Jan. 1, 2018 – Feb. 29, 2020). Co-investigator. Funding amount HK$417,731, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Competitive General Research Fund (GRF) (project 16514016: Crisis and Creativity) (Jan. 1, 2017 – June 30, 2019). Principal Investigator. Funding amount HK$458,000, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Competitive research grant (Project 71672027) (Jan. 2017-Dec 2020). Co-investigator. National Natural Science Foundation (中国国家自然科学基金项目), China.
Competitive General Research Fund (GRF) (project 242012: functional diversity and innovation) (2012-2014). Co-investigator. Funding amount, HK$369,915, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong SAR.
Honors And Awards
2023. Best Reviewers Award, Academy of Management Journal.
2023. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Chen, T. T., Kim, T. Y., Gong, Y., & Liang, Y. 2023. Directional relationship between creative self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation in affecting creativity. Paper accepted for presentation at the 2023 Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.
2022. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Magni, F., & Gong, Y. 2022. Warmth matters, not competence: AI recruiting and applicant attraction. Paper presented at the 2022 Academy of Management Conference, Seattle, Washington.
2022. Second runner up of the Michael Poole Best Paper Award at International Journal of Human Resource Management
*Chang, S., *Leung, W.K., *Yao, K., & *Gong, Y. 2022. Firm employee relations system and financial performance: Unfolding the dual-causal relationship and the associated temporal and resource boundary conditions. International Journal of Human Resource Management , 33: 3591-3628. * Equal contribution.
2019. Finalist for the IACMR-RRBM Award
Liu, D., Gong, Y., Zhou, J. & Huang, J. C. 2017. Human resource systems, employee creativity, and firm innovation: The moderating role of firm ownership. Academy of Management Journal, 60: 1164-1188.
2017. Finalist for the 2017 Impact Award at Journal of Management.
Gong, Y., Cheung, S. Y., Wang, M., & Huang, J. C.2012. Unfolding the proactive process for creativity: Integration of the employee proactivity, information exchange, and psychological safety perspectives. Journal of Management, 38: 1611-1633.
2016. Best Reviewers Award, Academy of Management Journal.
2016. Recipient of the 2016 Citation of Excellence Award from Emerald Management Reviews.
Gong, Y., Kim, T. Y., Zhu, J., & Lee, D. R. 2013. A multilevel model of team goal orientation, information exchange, and creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 56: 827-851.
2016. International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference Best Reviewers Award.
2015 Fall. Dean's Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance.
2015. Best Senior Editors Award, Management and Organization Review.
2014. Wiley list of top 100 most cited scholars in management (ranked 62nd) (2009-2014)
2014. Best Reviewer Award, Management and Organization Review.