Research Interests
- Managerial decision-making
- Human judgment and decision processes
- Language processing
- Human attention
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Experimental psychology
- M. Phil The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Psychology (Human Congnition)
- B.S.Sc. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Psychology
Academic And Professional Experience
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Professor, since July 2018, Associate Professor, July 2007 - June 2018, Assistant Professor, July 2001 - June 2007.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Psychology, Post-doctoral Fellow (with teaching duty), August 2000 - June 2001.
Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
Cheng, C., Ying, W., Ebrahimi, O. V., & Wong, K. F. E. 2024. Coping style and mental health amid the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A culture-moderated meta-analysis of 44 nations. Health Psychology Review, 18: 141-164.
Lee, J.L., Keil, M., & Wong, K.F.E. 2021. When a growth mindset can backfire and cause escalation of commitment to a troubled IT project. Information Systems Journal, 31: 7-32.
Wong, K.F.E. & Cheng, C. 2020. The turnover intention–behaviour link: A culture-moderated meta-analysis. Journal of Management Studies, 57: 1174-1216.
Yik, M., Wong, K.F.E., & Zeng, K.J. 2019. Anchoring-and-adjustment during affect inferences. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 2567.
Feldman, G., & Wong, K.F.E. 2018. When action-inaction framing leads to higher escalation of commitment: A new inaction-effect perspective on the sunk-cost fallacy. Psychological Science, 29: 537-548.
Wong, K.F.E., & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2018. Resolving the paradox between adaptive learning and escalation of commitment. Management Science, 64: 1911-1925.
Feldman, G., Farh, J.-L., & Wong, K.F.E. 2018. (Farh and Wong contributed equally). Agency beliefs across time and culture: Free will beliefs predict higher work satisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44: 304-317.
Lee, J.L., Keil, M., & Wong, K.F.E. 2018. Does a tired mind help avoid a decision bias? The effect of ego depletion on escalation of commitment. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67: 171-185.
Feldman, G., Wong, K.F.E., & Baumeister, R. 2016. Bad is freer than good: Positive-negative asymmetry in attributions of free will. Consciousness and Cognition, 42: 26-40.
Feldman, G., Chandrashekar, S.P., & Wong, K.F.E. 2016. Freedom to excel: Belief in free will predicts better performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 90: 377-383.
Jong, S.L., Keil, M., & Wong, K.F.E. 2015. The effect of goal difficulty on escalation of commitment. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28: 114-129.
Feldman, G., Baumeister, R, & Wong, K.F.E. 2014. Free will is about choosing: The link between choice and the belief in free will. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 55: 239-245.
Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Wong, K.F.E. 2014. (Kwong and Wong contributed equally). Fair or not fair? The effects of numerical framing on the perceived justice of outcomes. Journal of Management, 40: 1558-1582.
Schwarz, G.M., Wong, K.F.E. & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2014. A regret theory of organizational institutionalization. Journal of Change Management, 14: 309-333.
Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Wong, K.F.E. (Equal Authorship). 2014. Reducing and exaggerating escalation of commitment by option partitioning. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99: 697-712.
More Publications
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
Wong, K. F., E., & Kwong, J. Y. Y. 2023. Individual differences in escalation of commitment: A multi-level adaptive learning perspective. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Wong, K.F.E., & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2022. Meta-analysis within a single paper using individual-participant data: A simpler alternative. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual convention of Association for Psychological Science; and the annual meeting of Academy of Management, Seattle, WA.
Wong, K.F.E., Yong, R.B.A.L., & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2021. The link between turnover intention and actual turnover behavior: Stronger than it was found!. Paper presented at the annual convention of Academy of Management.
Wong, K.F.E., Yong, R.B.A.L., & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2021. The link between turnover intention and actual turnover behavior: Stronger than it was found!. Poster presented at the APS Virtual Poster Showcase, the annual convention of Association for Psychological Science.
Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Wong, K.F.E. 2020. Resource allocation principles and escalation of commitment. Poster presented at the APS Virtual Poster Showcase, the annual convention of Association for Psychological Science.
Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Wong, K.F.E. 2020. Will family name bias research’s citation rate? It depends on the citation system. Poster presented at the APS Virtual Poster Showcase, the annual convention of Association for Psychological Science.
Wong, K.F.E., & Kwong, J.Y.Y. 2019. Age and escalation of commitment: An adaptive learning approach. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Academy of Management, Boston, MA. (Paper appeared in the Best Paper Proceeding).
Kwong, J.Y.Y., & Wong, K.F.E. 2019. Capturing escalation of commitment across life span: An adaptive learning approach. Poster presented at the annual convention of Association for Psychological Science: Washington, D. C.
Review Activities
Consulting Editor:
Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2013-2018)
Member of Editorial Board:
Journal of Applied Psychology (2015-)
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (2010-)
Ad Hoc reviewers (partial listed):
Academy of Management Journal
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Experimental Psychology
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Funded Projects
General Research Funds/Competitive Earmarked Research Grants from Hong Kong Government:
Nudging and Promoting Employee Green Behaviors by Escalation of Commitment Interventions. 2023-2025 (#16501223): HK$480,635. Principal Investigator (with Jessica Y. Y. Kwong).
Biases in research citation due to researchers’ family names. 2020-2021 (#16601020): HK$553,000. Principal-Investigator (with Jessica Y. Y. Kwong).
After Resolving the Learning-Escalation Paradox: Toward Adaptive Learning as a Formal Theory of Escalation of Commitment. 2018-20 (#14612118): HK$302,040. Co-Investigator (with Jessica Y.Y. Kwong)
Gamification vs. instruction: A randomized controlled trial to evaluate two coping flexibility interventions in Chinese employees. 2017-20 (#17601917): HK$881,700. Co-Investigator (with Cecilia Cheng and John Bacon-Shone).
Resolving the paradox between adaptive learning and escalation of commitment. 2014-2016 (#16503614): HK$611,592. Principal Investigator (with Jessica Kwong).
Affective forecasts and responses as inputs for goal pursuits. 2014-2016 (#14501314): HK$427,112. Co-Investigator (with Jessica Kwong).