Research Interests
- Behavioral theory of the firm, organizational learning and adaptation
- Social networks
- Organizational theories
- Firm innovation
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. Stanford, Graduate School of Business
- M.A. Stanford, Graduate School of Business
- M.A. University of Illinois at Chicago, Sociology
- M.A. Peking University, China, Sociology
- B.A. Peking University, China, Sociology
Academic And Professional Experience
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Co-Director, Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology and Business (BIBU), since February 2023.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, School of Business and Management, Academic Director, Master of Science in International Management, August 2012-2017.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Associate Professor, since July 2010; Assistant Professor, July 2003 - June 2010.
University of Illinois at Chicago, Teaching Assistant, August 1991-May 1994.
Information Resources Inc. (IRI),Chicago, IL, Research and Development Department, Project Manager, 1996-1997.
NCI Research Evanston, IL (an affiliation of Kellogg Graduate School of Management of Northwestern University), Research Associate and Research Project Manager, 1994 - 1996.
University of Illinois at Chicago, Nursing School, Statistical Consultant, 1995.
Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
Lu, H., Mao, K. & Sullivan, B.N. (equal contribution and authorship is alphabetically ordered). 2023(Forthcoming). The paradox of political legitimacy: The political inclusion and firm strategies of entrepreneurs. Journal of Asian Business & Management.
Sullivan, B.N., Mao, K. & Wang, H. 2023. Constrained by localized attention focus: The negative effect of firm-specific knowledge on exploratory firm innovation. Management and Organization Review, 19: 1104-1126.
Li, P., Rhee, M. & Sullivan, B.N. (Alphabetically ordered). 2021. Remembering James March. Management and Organization Review, 17: 644-654.
Li, A. & Sullivan, B.N. (equal contribution and authorship is alphabetically ordered). 2020. Blind to the future: Exploring the contingent effect of managerial hubris on strategic foresight. Strategic Organization, 20: 565-599. [Article first published online: December 14, 2020].
Sullivan, B.N. 2019. Walking with a giant: In memory of my Enshi James G. March. Management and Organization Review,15: 891-894.
Sullivan, B.N. & Stewart, D. 2017. Do connections always help? Network brokerage’s negative impact on the emergence of status. Research in Sociology of Organizations, 50: 315-349. (Download here)
Sullivan, B.N., Tang, Y and Marquis, C. 2014. Persistently learning: How small-world network imprints affect subsequent firm learning. Strategic Organization, 12: 180-199. (Download here)
More publications
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
Sullivan, B.N. and Luo, J. 2024. The power of organizational mindfulness: Balancing exploitation and exploration in technological innovation. To be Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, 2024, Chicago.
Mao, K.X. & B.N. Sullivan. 2022. Winning a prestigious award and unethical behaviors of Chinese pharmaceutical firms. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, 2022, Seattle/online.
Gong, T., Sullivan, B.N & Tang, Y.J. 2021. Internal power dynamics: The role of government in the commercialization of firm innovation. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, online.
Li, A. & Sullivan, B.N. 2020. Compassionate board of directors and power dynamics with the CEO. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Online.
Mao, K. & Sullivan, B.N. 2019. Firm-specific knowledge assets and different firm strategies toward external stakeholders. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston
Li, A. & Sullivan, B.N. 2019. For whom the bell tolls? The differential impact of corporate leaders’ death on firm long-term investment. Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston.
Review Activities
Co-Editor of Management and Organization Review Special Issue (2020): Research in Memory of James G. March
Senior Editor:
Management and Organization Review (2013 - 2017)
Member of Editorial Board:
Organization Science (2009 - 2016)
International Journal of Strategic Change Management (2008 - present)
Ad Hoc reviewers (partial listed):
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Administrative Science Quarterly
Organization Science
Strategic Management Journal
Funded Projects
Institute for Emerging Markets Grant, CI, 2016 – 2018, “Overcome the Legitimacy Effect: The Role of Agency in Firm Innovation in China”. HK$125,000
Hong Kong Competitive Earmarked RGC Grant, CI, 2013-2014. “Search for New Ideas under the Influence of Government Innovation Policies in Emerging Market: Evidence from Chinese Firms”. HK$350,000