Assistant Professor
Jaee CHO
Assistant Professor
Jaee CHO

Research Interests

  • Cultural Mixing and Globalization
  • Diversity Ideologies
  • Creativity
  • Judgment and Decision Making
  • Diversity and Conflict

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. Columbia University, Management
  • M.A. Columbia University, Quantitative Methods in Social Sciences
  • M.A. Korea University, Cultural and Social Psychology
  • B.A. Korea University, Psychology & History

Academic And Professional Experience

  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Assistant Professor, July 2017 - present.


Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
  • Cho, J*., Wasti, S.A*., Savani, K., Tan H. H., & Morris, M. W 2023 (In press). Formal versus informal supervisor socio‐emotional support behaviours and employee trust: The role of cultural power distance. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. (*Authors contributed equally)(Download here)

  • Cho, J., Tadmor, C.T. & Morris, M.W. 2018. Are all diversity ideologies creatively equal? The diverging consequences of colorblindness, multiculturalism, and polyculturalism. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49: 1376-1401. (Download here)

  • Cho, J., Morris, M.W., & Dow, B. 2018. How Romans feel about visitors' doing 'as Romans do': Diversity ideologies and trust in evaluations of cultural accommodation. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4: 11-31. (Download here)

  • Cho, J., Morris, M.W, Slepian, M.L. & Tadmor, C.T. 2017. Choosing fusion: The effects of diversity ideologies on preference for culturally mixed experiences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69: 163-171. (Download here)

  • Cho, J., & Morris, M.W. 2015. Cultural study and problem‐solving gains: Effects of study abroad, openness, and choice. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36: 944-066. (Download here)

  • Morris, M.W., & Savani, K., Mor. S., & Cho, J. 2014. When in Rome: Intercultural learning and implications for training. Research in Organizational Behavior, 34: 189-215. (Download here)

Book Chapters
  • Toosi, N.R, Perkins, S.E., Cho, J., & Phillips K.W. 2020. Are women better suited than men to lead in diverse settings?. In E. King, Q. Roberson & M. Hebl (Eds.), Pushing our Understanding of Diversity in Organizations. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • Savani, K., Cho, J., Baik, B., & Morris, M.W. 2014. Culture and judgment and decision making. In G. Keren & G. Wu (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

More Publications

Selected Recent Conference Presentations

  • Cho, J., Morris, M. W., Li, J., Benet-Martinez, V. & Lu, J.G. 2023. A multifaceted scale of polyculturalism. Talk was given at Biennial Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Hong Kong, China.

    • Conference Theme Best Paper Award (Finalist, IACMR)
  • Cho, J., Chao, M. M., Zhang, L., & Morris., M. W 2022. Liberals and conservatives in the United States differently judge cultural appropriation. Talk was given at Berkeley Culture Conference.

  • Cho., J., Chao, M.M., Morris, M.W., & Savani, K. 2020. Diversity ideologies and accusations of cultural appropriation. Talk was given at 2020 AIBSEAR Hong Kong Conference.

  • Perkins, S.E., Cho, J., Phillips, K.W., & Toosi, N. R. 2019. Can female leaders mitigate the negative effects of diversity?. Talk was given at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting Symposium, Boston, MA.

  • Cho, J., Galinsky, A.D., & Lee, S. 2019. Mimicry plus power is a toxic brew that undermines authenticity. Talk was given at International Association for Conflict Management (IACCP), Dublin, Ireland.

  • Cho, J., Zhang, L., Chao, M.M, & Morris., M.W. 2019. Liberals and conservatives in the United States differently judge cultural appropriation. Talk was given at the International Society of Political Psychology, Lisbon, Portugal. (Session Chair)

  • Cho, J., Morris, M.W., & Blunden, H. 2019. Thinking like a chameleon: How diversity ideologies shape cultural accommodation. Talk was given at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Portland, OR.

Review Activities

  • Member of Editorial Board:

    • Management and Organization Review, 2018-present

  • Ad-Hoc Reviewer:

    • Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

    • Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

    • Asian Journal of Social Psychology

    • Frontiers Psychology

    • Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

Honors And Awards

  • 2018. Harry and Pola Triandis Doctoral Thesis Award by International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology .

  • 2017. SPSP Diversity Fund Graduate Travel Award.

  • 2017. Graduate Travel Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology Conference.

  • 2014. Finalist for the Emerald Best International Symposium Award.

    • Cho, J., & Morris, M.W. 2014. The effect of intercultural ideologies on the perception of newcomers’ adaptation. Presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.