Research Interests
- Leadership in Chinese contexts
- Cultural values and business ethics
- Organizational citizenship behavior
- Team motivational processes
Academic Qualifications
- Ph.D. Indiana University, Organizational Behavior & Personnel
- M.B.A. National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Personnel Management
- B.S. National Taiwan University, Psychology
Academic And Professional Experience
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Department of Management, Professor Emeritus, Since 2016, Chair Professor, 2005-2016, Professor, 1997-2005, Senior Lecturer, 1993 - 1997 (Department Head, July 2000- August 2003; Deputy Head, 1993 - 2000; Co-Director of Hang Lung Center for Organizational Research, 1998-2002)
National Taiwan University, Visiting Professor, January - July, 2004
INSEAD, France, Visiting Scholar, Nov. - Dec., 2003
Peking University, Visiting Professor, September - October, 2003
National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Visiting Professor, January - July 1990
Louisiana State University, Associate Professor of Management (with tenure), 1988-1993, Assistant Professor of Management, 1984-1988.
Refereed Journal Publications (Chronological, alphabetical)
Huai, M, Lian, H., Farh, J. L. & Wang, H. J. 2024. Leaders’ impulsive versus strategic abuse, goal realization, and subsequent supportive behavior: A self-regulation perspective. Journal of Management, 50: 793-825.
Duan, J., Wang, X. H., Jannsen, O., & Farh, J. L. 2022. Transformational leadership and voice: When does felt obligation to the leader matter? Journal of Business and Psychology, 37: 543-555.
Lian, H., Huai, M, Farh, J.L., Huang, J.C., Lee, C., & M.M. Chao. 2022. Leader unethical pro-organizational behavior and employee unethical conduct: Social learning of moral disengagement as a behavioral principle. Journal of Management, 48:350-379.
David, E. M., Kim, T.Y., Farh, J.L., Lin, X., & Zhou, F. 2020. Is ‘be yourself’ always the best advice?: The moderating effect of team ethical climate and the mediating effects of vigor and demand-ability fit. Human Relations, https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726719894054.
Zheng, Y., Graham, L., Farh, J.L., & Huang, X. 2019. The Impact of authoritarian leadership on ethical voice: A moderated mediation model of felt uncertainty and leader benevolence. Journal of Business Ethics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-019-04261-1.
Takeuchi, R., Wang, A.C., & Farh, J.L. 2020. Asian conceptualizations of leadership: Progresses and challenges. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 7: 233-256.
Li, C., Liang, L. & Farh, J.L. 2020. Speaking up when water is murky: an uncertainty-based model linking perceived organizational politics to voice. Journal of Management,46: 443-469.
Zhang, L.L. & Farh, J.L. 2019. Separating truth from error: A closer look at the effect of grouped versus intermixed questionnaire format. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 36: 881-901.
Chen, G., Smith, T. A., Kirkman, B.L., Zhang, P., Lemoine, J.G., & Farh, J.L. 2019. Multiple team membership and empowerment spillover effects: Can empowerment processes cross team boundaries? Journal of Applied Psychology, 104: 321-340.
Hackett, R.D., Wang, A.C., Chen, Z.J., Cheng, B.S., & Farh, J.L. 2018. Transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior: A moderated mediation model of leader-member-exchange and subordinates’ gender. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 67: 617-644.
Feldman, G., Farh, J. L., & Wong, K.F.E. 2018. Agency beliefs over time and across cultures: Free will beliefs predict higher job satisfaction. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 44: 304-317.
Chao, M.M., Takeuchi, R., & Farh, J.L. 2017. Enhancing cultural intelligence: The roles of implicit culture beliefs and adjustment. Personnel Psychology, 70: 257-292.
Feldman, G., Chao, M.M., Farh, J.L. & Bardi, A. 2015. The motivation and inhibition of breaking the rules: Personal values structures predict unethicality. Journal of Research in Personality, 59: 69-80.
Huang, X., Chiu, W., Xu, E., Lam, C. & Farh, J.L. 2015. When authoritarian leaders outperform transformational leaders: Firm performance in harsh economic environments. Conditional acceptance by Academy of Management Discoveries, 1: 180-200.
Zhu, W.C., He, H.W., Law, K.S. & Farh, J.L. 2015. Editorial: Taking an indigenous approach to study organizational behavior in China. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36:613-620.
Farh, J.L. & Huai, M. Y. 2014. New directions in paternalistic leadership: Advancing measurement tools and dialogue with Western leadership literature. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 42: 109 - 123. (In Chinese)
Chen, X.P., Eberly, M.B., Chiang, T.J., Farh, J.L., & Cheng, B.S. 2014. Affective trust in Chinese leaders: Linking paternalistic leadership to employee performance. Journal of Management, 40: 796-819.
Winner of the Journal of Management 2019 Scholarly Impact Award
Republished in Chinese Management Insights, 2014
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Lian, H., Huai, M., Farh, J.L., Huang, J.C., Lee, C., & Chao, M.M. 2016. Leader unethical pro-organizational behavior and employee unethical conduct: A moral disengagement perspective. The Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
More Publications
Selected Recent Conference Presentations
Zheng, M., Farh, J.L., Schuh, S., & Xin, K.R. 2024. Family paths towards abusive or benevolent supervision: Parental influence to leader behaviors. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago; August 2024.
Zheng, M., Farh, J.L., Schuh, S., & Xin, K.R. 2020. It runs in the family: A goal orientation perspective on parental influence to leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management (Zoom sessions); August 2020.
Huai, M., Lian, H., Farh, J.L. & Wang, H. 2019. Impulsive and Strategic Abuse: An Actor-Centric Model with a Self- Regulation Perspective. Presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
Honors And Awards
2022-2023. Highly Cited Researchers in psychology identified by Research.com
2021-2023. Highly Cited Chinese Researchers in business management compiled by Elsevier
2019. Journal of Management Scholarly Impact Award
2019. Keynote Speaker, Indigenous Research Conference on Leadership and Organizational Change, Shanghai
2017, 2018 & 2020. Highly Cited Researchers in business and economics worldwide compiled by Clarivate Analytics
2016. Presidential Address, IACMR Biennial Conference, Hang Zhou
2015. Recipient of the 2015 Citation of Excellence Award from Emerald Management Reviews.
Liang, J., Farh, C.I.C. & Farh, J.L. 2012. Psychological antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice: A two-wave examination. Academy of Management Journal, 55: 71-92.
2015. Keynote Speaker, Asian Academy of Management Biennial Conference.
2014. Keynote Speaker, China Forum, IACMR, Guangzhou.